is a website created for a real estate agency for displaying their offers and offer informations about the company.

  • created using NextJS;
  • optimized for Googlebot;
  • PWA;
  • using SSR (Server-side rendering) and ISR (Incremental Static Regeneration);
  • getting the data from PanoroCRM.

My job was to implement the design into a functional website that would be very friendly with the Googlebot for crawling it and having max scores on Lighthouse.

Created using NextJS and using SSR and ISR to be able to have the best loading time, but also be able to update the data when is changed.

Also I implemented for the website a PWA, and also published it on Google Play.

The data of the website is gathered from PanoroCRM. Every request that must be called from client is proxied through another request created by NextJs in order to not expose sensitive data.

The website design and backend was changed in 2023 where I was not that much involved. One day I will upload a demo of it up.